Along with a group of students and professors from Georgia State University, I was privileged to attend NCPH 2015 in Nashville during thee second half of last week. I started out with THATCamp, a series of more-or-less informal sessions focused on technological solutions for public history including Omeka, CurateScape, DH Press for WordPress, and Reclaim Hosting.
After that half-day workshop, I attended sessions on numerous topics. Although I could only attend one session at a time, I followed along on the conference Twitter feed. #ncph2015. The working group on “Public History as Digital History as Public History” also produced a Tumblr pre-conference. One of the participants asked a most-intriguing question: have we already entered a post-digital-humanities world? Have we over-fetishized the digital? Is digital just a tool, after all? I welcome your thoughts.
Also of note for anyone interested in DH professional development opportunities: offers classes in digital skills, and IUPUI is hosting a summer Digital Humanities workshop series called Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT). Check it out!